Les Congrès Internationaux IFFD

Le prochain congrès international de IFFD se déroulera à Londres en octobre 2019.

Nous sommes convaincus de l'importance et du rôle irremplaçable de la famille pour le bonheur de ses membres, pour la paix et pour la cohésion sociale, pour le bien-être général et le développement de l'éducation, ainsi que pour la croissance économique et l'intégration sociale.

Dix-neuf congres ont été tenue depuis le début. Les sujets, dates et villes se trouvent ici bas.

19th. Mexico, 2015. Family, meeting-place for generations.

18th. Valencia, 2010. Family, School of Human Rights.

17th. Rome, 2007. Rights and Responsibilities of the Family. 16th. New York–United Nations, 2004. Family Life, Development and Culture.

15th. Rome, 2000. The Family: A Revolution for the Third Millennium.

14th. Orlando, 1998. Extending the Family.

13th. Rome, 1995. The Young Family.

12th. London, 1993. Family and Leisure.

11th. Rome, 1991. Family and School.

10th. Lausanne, 1989. Family and the World of Tomorrow.

9th. Rome, 1987. Family and Happiness.

8th. Barcelona, 1985. Family and Work.

7th. Rome, 1983. Family and Society.

6th. Mexico City, 1981. The Role of the Father in Family Life.

5th. Rome, 1980. The Family and the Condition of Women.

4th. Zurich, 1979. The Family and Mass Media.

3rd. Rome, 1978. Rights of the Child and the Family.

2nd. Brussels, 1977. The Rights of Parent in Education.

1st. Rome, 1976. Education in the Family

IFFD Belgium

Rue Baron de Castro 6

B-1040 Bruxelles

Belgique (Europe)


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